Read on to find out what Be Good Elliot have to say for our On Our Radar interview now!
Introduce yourselves!
Brian Crowder, Ant Stevens, Nolan Feldner, Aaron Gipson, Jacob Boyd
How would you describe your music to a potential listener?
BRIAN: Fun, catchy, easy to lose yourself into music with vengeful, dark themed lyrics.
Since being a band, do you feel it has grown in the direction you hoped for, or has there been any setbacks?
BRIAN: It has gone in an entirely different but beautiful direction than what I had originally planned. But splitting control five ways has made something more unique and far more amazing than what I'd wanted. Definitely hasn't been a set back.
Which tracks are you most proud of to date and why?
BRIAN: Honestly all of them but if I had to choose I'd go with 'Jane Austen Said "Die In A Fire" and Day of His Daughter's Wedding. Those were two songs I had originally done all by myself, and had demos of but when you listen to the demos and the final product, you really get to see what the other four guys were thinking and what they heard. So I'm most proud of those because they wouldn't be anywhere near this good without input from the others.
Where do you feel your band fit in in an ever changing and demanding music scene?
BRIAN: Constantly keeping you on your toes I think, when you think you have a song of ours pinned and can guess what's next it goes in another direction. Like Car Bomb by all rights should be a nice sit and chill song, but that chorus hits and all chaos breaks loose. or in O'Bitchuary. It's a pretty clear cut pop punk song til you hit that almost Simon and Garfunkel bridge.
Do you have any tips for keeping your mental health in check throughout this period of time?
BRIAN: Don't start a band, it's an emotional roller coaster during the best of times. I think we made it through all the stronger but fucking hell was it rough.
What issues are important to you? How do you use your music and platform to communicate these?
BRIAN: Community is something we push pretty hard on stage, we constantly make everyone feel included and that they are apart of this magical moment with us. Musically we are story tellers pushing themes, we add in our distrust with authority, and belief in women's rights. But they are more like hidden easter eggs in the grand scheme of the plot of what story we are telling at the time.
What are your top 3 albums at the moment?
BRIAN: I really did not want to date myself but my top 3 currently are Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance, Self Titled by blink-182 and Heartwork by The Used
AARON: The Walking Wounded by Bayside.
ANT: The Chronicles of Life And Death by Good Charlotte, Take Off Your Pants And Jacket by Blink-182 and Section 80 by Kendrick Lamar.
What’s one song you wish you could have written?
BRIAN: ‘I Get Wet’ by Andrew W.K. that song hits so hard.
If you could tour with anyone, who would it be?
BRIAN: My Chemical Romance, I'd love to play a sold out show sometime, but I'd probably just be fan girling the whole time.
What should your fans be expecting from your band in the near future?
BRIAN: Definitely more music, more little videos. I won't go into much detail of what but it's something you will definitely want to check out if you're into what's going on now.
Stream Be Good Elliot’s latest EP ‘til the Heat Dies Down below.