Rosie shares her thoughts on the debut The Lotts release, We Are The Lotts, and lets you know whether she thinks you should listen or not.

Rosie shares her thoughts on the debut The Lotts release, We Are The Lotts, and lets you know whether she thinks you should listen or not.

Relatively new garage punk outfit, The Lotts make their debut with EP We Are The Lotts. Just like it says on the tin, the EP introduces them to the world. After forming 2018 and creating an extensive backlog of tracks to perform live around Liverpool, Brighton and more, The Lotts came together again in Rockfield Studios that birthed the likes of Black Sabbath and worked with Twin Atlantic, The Pixies and Queen, to produce a debut EP.

Influenced by various artists the Zappa and The Stooges, The Lotts produce loud, fast and punch tracks. Kicking off the EP is it’s title track with a pulsing drum rhythm, indolent vocals and monotonous guitar riff before the solo comes in about halfway through. The Lotts adopt punk-like attitudes in which their process is less about making good music but more about making a point and creating an energy while all the same time don’t actually conform to any particular genres “’s just simple energetic rock… we don’t write songs to tick certain boxes…” claims singer, Henry.

‘Preacher Man’ begins with an overriding bassline and dramatically fast riffs. Vocalist Henry Bucanan’s wild roar at the start takes us back to the 70s to a tiny underground stage with terrible sound production but everyone is enjoying banging their heads to the sounds. The rest of EP follows in the same footsteps.

It’s unclear what direction the music is heading in and what the band wants to achieve with this project, however it’s brash high energy and unapologetic punk vibe is unmatched. There’s no doubt that We Are The Lotts would sound incredible live, and recorded as a live album would really capture the spirit and energy that their music radiates.

Rosie Chalk


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