Alex shares their thoughts on the new In This Moment album, Mother. Read to find out why you should check it out when it drops tomorrow!
Following on from their 2017 album Ritual, the newest release, Mother by In This Moment gives a powerful cinematic opening, complete with suspense to keep the listener waiting for more. When the first track, ‘Fly Like an Eagle’ hits, it gives the feeling almost like a late 80’s early 90’s action movie in it’s introduction, and keeps this energy throughout the song.
The album uses interludes into their first two songs that work very well together. ‘The Red Crusade’ and ‘The In-Between’ correlate perfectly together in helping to build up to the latter. The vocals and dreary sounding tones lead into a harder chorus.
Later in the album is the title track ‘Mother’ which opens with their vocalist Maria Brink saying ‘Mother forgive us for our sins for we know not what we do,’ then begins with piano and faint drums, definitely being a softer song of the album.
Following on from this is Hunting Ground featuring Joe Cotela of Ded. His vocals mixed with Brink’s fit perfectly together with the hard instrumentals behind it. The track is filled with powerful guitars and drums, and both Cotela and Brink’s verses work like a perfectly balanced conversation of sorts going into the chorus. The track then dies off with their vocals and a piano track.
The last track is ‘Into Dust’ which is a slower, softer track with Brink’s vocals accompanied with a piano. Her voice on this track gives a solid and nice ending to the album, giving the listeners a sense of a peaceful night due to the fading sounds of crickets towards the end.
The track listing on this album is ordered perfectly and gives a powerful release for the group. Each song is extremely strong in their own way, giving listeners something different to love about each one, and explains why In This Moment are one of the most anticipated groups in 2020.
Alex Davidson