Alex shares their thoughts on the third Weigh The Anchor release, Right At Home EP, and lets you know whether they think you should listen or not.
Canada based band, Weigh The Anchor released their second EP, Right at Home. The EP follows the debut, True Colors, which was released in 2017. Having played along the likes of Belmont, Bearings, and others, the band has made a name for itself within the past few years.
The EP opens with the track, ‘Medicate’, and the track is a great example of needing to take time to heal from things that have happened in the past. It sounds like a song you’d find in the prime of modern pop-punk and would kill to hear live. The guitars in this track help to push this song throughout and are a key part of it. The lyrics, and the chorus especially, can easily be related to any listener.
‘Abrasive’ is a track the band had already released to promote the EP, with a music video and all. While it does differ from how the other songs are, it’s still a highly enjoyable song that’s easy to get stuck in your head.
‘Clandestine’ is a bit more of a poppy tune in the beginning with not so happy lyrics. The lyrics speak of running away from pain that has been previously inflicted. The tune of course, can deter from the lyrics to some listeners, but those that do hear what is really being said can love this track even more.
The last track on the EP is ‘Discourse’, which opens with a very nice guitar riff. It’s more of a calmer song than the rest had been and is perfectly placed at the end of the EP to give more of a calm down from what the listeners had previously heard. That doesn’t take away from the fact that this song is just as great as the rest, and the guitar with the vocals help to bring out the emotion of the lyrics even more, allowing it to resonate more with the listeners.
This EP is absolutely one to give a listen, and I will definitely be coming back to it regularly. The lyrics and instrumentals have just the right amount of diversity within the EP, giving listeners a great sense into what can be expected from the group.
Alex Davidson