One month after The Great Escape, we look back at the iconic artists we met during that weekend. Meet Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers — the rock band with a fiery passion for music and changing the industry as we know it.

Credit: Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers on Instagram

What makes feel like you’re on fire?

Really, truly, down to your core on fire that makes you feel like you’re a second away from exploding and you just need to get it out?

Whatever that may be, hopefully, you’ve found a way to express yourself. For four individuals from Canberra — Anna Ryan (vocals), Jaida Stephenson (bass), Scarlett McKahey (guitar), and Neve van Boxsel (drums) they unwaveringly channel that fire into their band Teen Jesus And The Jean Teasers.

What started as a fun movie night (featuring the ever-iconic School of Rock in Anna’s basement) turned into a whirlwind adventure that ends up with them just finishing their set at The Great Escape to a crowd that could’ve gladly stayed there all day in the sweltering heat for one more tune. It was one of those shows that could make anyone a believer in punk rock and the power of grrl power.

“You know, you think no one’s gonna show. I’m sure every non-UK artist says that, but it’s true,” Anna admits.

“The show yesterday was at capacity way before we even stepped on stage, and today the tent was jam-packed. Everyone here’s been loving it and us! British people are so kind” adds Neve with a laugh.

“Even the compliments sound better here, but that’s just us getting off track,” says Jaida.

While there was a mic in between us and the sun in our eyes, the carefree attitude that shines so well on stage continued throughout the interview so much so that it just felt like I was eavesdropping on their conversations. Not only do these four care so much about their music and fans, but also about each other and helping other girls out in the industry.

“We really want every girl out there to know that you can, and should, start that band. We did it, and look at us now!” Scarlett says with a wide smile.

Credit: Teen Jesus and The Jean Teasers on Instagram

“Don’t leave all the fun for the boys. It’s isolating being in such a male-dominated industry, but it’s nice that we can make things easier for others after us”, says Anna.

Teen Jesus And The Jean Teasers sure do have a lot of fun — the interview was delightfully filled with tales of weeks-long stints at their producer’s house, reflections on their 2014 grunge phrase (“the Tumblr of it all” as Jaida jokes), and how they truly enjoy making music together.

Like with their latest single “Lights Out” which teases an upcoming album, they wanted to bring their collaboration to the next level. “Since we haven’t released a big body of work before, we knew it had to be something. So many co-writing sessions, writing retreats, and actually just sitting in the same place together instead of just bringing things done to the band,” Anna says.

“Lights Out” leads the way for the collection of songs they’ve all written from age 17 until now as a reflective time capsule into their growth as individuals and as a band. “We’re not always the best at speaking, but this album has the bits of us that we want to get out and we want people to know about us,” Jaida says.

“Playing with your best friends is the best support network you could really ask for,” finishes Scarlett.

FIND teen jesus and the jean teasers ONLINE: