On release day for her latest single ‘My Age,’ BIZZY sat down with us and bared her heart about the song’s interesting inspiration and her journey to calling herself an artist.
credit: Notorious Noise
If you drive, you might have taken your car out for a test drive to see if it’s the right fit and exactly how you want it.
For an artist like BIZZY, she test drives in her car.
“My roommates all know, the second they see me dash to my car, I have a new mix. I want all of my songs to have your emotions build as you listen, regardless of the song’s intensity or pace. So it’s like you want to step on the gas, going 90 in a 20,” she laughs, “not that you should, though! It’s just that feeling.”
Taylor Swift-inspired Tennessee transplant BIZZY creates music meant to be heard loud and proud — whether that’s in a venue, a car with your best friends, or your headphones. But since I don’t drive, I wanted to join in on that 90 in a 20 experience and feel how her latest song ‘My Age’ was meant to be heard.
The morning after interviewing BIZZY, I took some of my pals to a park near my apartment to run as fast as we could through the park as the sun rose. No one else was around, so it was just us and our speaker blasting BIZZY’s iconic and truthful discography.
It was as close as you could get to going 90 in a 20 without a car with the wind rushing through our hair and carrying our out-of-tune singing all the way through the city. And if you’re looking for a way to hear BIZZY before she does a gig in your town, that’s a surefire way to do it.
‘My Age’ is the tongue-in-cheek anthem we’ve been waiting for, all about a quasi-taboo yet relatable subject — age gap relationships and how you navigate those while figuring out the relationship with yourself.
If you’ve experienced an interesting relationship with power dynamics, each line is impressively fulfilling and intensely relatable. It’s crystal clear as to why. With lines “Would you have chased me in your twenties / tell your friends about me / would they still be filled with envy?” or “I’m walking the fine line between trust and anxiety / last night I almost asked why you never got married,” BIZZY effortlessly tells so many of us but not have shared just yet.
She wrote this song on the day of her first date with the man who inspired ‘My Age.’
“I walked into the co-writing session with Robyn Dell’Unto and it was love at first sight. With Robyn, I mean. A songwriting match made in heaven! And all she did was ask me how I was feeling and it all came tumbling out.”
The first date jitters turned into what we hear today, as she explains that “I thought he was awesome, but I had these doubts. Not because he’s a bad guy, but because I really liked him and I hoped he felt the same way about me.”
(According to BIZZY, the date went wonderfully, and they did have a fancy dinner. No word on if he actually knew a lot about French colonial times, though.)
This song follows BIZZY’s tradition of capturing the words that seem to ever just be on the tip of our tongues. With her breakout viral hit ‘Anybody,’ she introduced the world to her heartfelt and belting confessional style of music. A slight Tennessee twang comes through as she enchantingly explains how her type has been wiped away as she realises she doesn’t need anybody else to make her whole or happy.
And while ‘My Age’ and ‘Anybody’ are much more upbeat, 24-year-old BIZZY doesn’t want to corner herself into making just one type of music, because as her artistry continues to evolve, so does she.
“All of my songs ask and answer questions I have, but they also just allow me to release those same questions and answers into the world. Everything I write about has happened to me, so every release from ‘Anybody’ to ‘My Age’ unlocks a little piece of me and gets put into the puzzle of who I am as a person and an artist. That puzzle’s never gonna be done!”
As 2023 continues to roll on by, BIZZY has so many plans for how the year will continue to add those pieces. “Every single emotion, mood, weather… that’s coming out with my songs this year. I just want to keep creating, keep doing shows, keep doing it all.”
A believer in ‘everything happens for a reason’, BIZZY wouldn’t be doing it at all if it wasn’t for an injury to her back in her teenage years. With her dreams moving away from training for the Olympics as a swimmer, she shifted her focus to what was always cheering from the sidelines: music.
Specifically, it was her 16th birthday at an Ed Sheeran concert that solidified that music was the only path she could go down. “He had the whole stadium go silent as he sang ‘A-Team’ and it was bone-chilling. I looked around and saw how everyone was so affected and I knew that’s all I care about. That’s all I wanna do.”
Now the sunny songstress sits in Nashville, already leaving her mark on the city that’s produced some of the world’s most iconic artists. You can tell the music haven’s leaving its mark on her too, as it gives her the confidence to be herself and openly say she’s an artist.
An equal trade, as she says that she gives Nashville her heart and compassion right back to it.
“I can’t imagine life without having those co-writing sessions, putting music into the world, and having the most surreal feeling of connecting with people because of that music,” she says with the smile ever-fixed on her face growing. “I never want to take any of this for granted.”
So while you’re waiting for the ear-grabbing and heart-filling tunes to come to your town on tour, take BIZZY’s songs for a spin — whether it’s in the local park at sunrise with your best friends, or cruising down the highway with them to your next adventure.